9 Most Beautiful Arab Women of 2013

10) Cyrine Abdel Nour
Cyrine is a natural beauty from Lebanon. She is a singer, model and actress, and is well known for her drama series Ruby.

9) Amal Hijazi 
Amal is a beauty from Lebanon. She is a singer, model and pop icon.

8) Myriam Fares
Myriam is another beauty from Lebanon. She is a singer and a entertainer. 

7) Nancy Ajram
Nancy is a beauty from lebanon. She is a singer and the Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF.

6) Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco 
Lalla Salama is the royal prince of Morocco. 

5) Amar, Arabic Singer
Amar is an arabic singer and model from Lebanon.

4) Princesses Ameerah Al-Taweel of Saudi Arabia
Ameerah Al-Taweel was a commoner from Saudi Arabia, who ended up marrying one of the richest men in the world. She truly is a beautiful and intelligent woman.

3) May Hariri
A beauty from Lebanon. She is a singer, model and actress.


1) Queen Rania of Jordan
Queen Rania truly is a natural beauty. From her smile to her fashion, there is no doubt that she is the number one beauty of 2012 for our blog. 

Lebanon girl (Nadine Hadad )

Nadine Hadad is a Lebanese girl born 1989 , she have a wonderful body , hope to travel to Germany as she engaged to a Lebanese guy live and work there .

The Lebanese girl ( Nadine ) loves her life as a very attractive girl ,she took some photos to send them to her fiance .
Have a look to her photos .